Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Digital Citizen

Interesting presentation and still running in my mind as if I have just finished watching
A Midsummer Night's Dream. Two different worlds; the real world vs. digital world of iFairies,
but no longer a dichotomy. Oberon from fairyland anoints teachers' eyelids with magic iPotion, and makes
them believe in love at first sight.
Since majority of students already function in their digital reality and develop their reading and writing skills on the internet, teachers indeed should follow and open their minds to blogging and podcasting as an alternative to pen and paper.
However, ridding of marks, rubrics, essay formats and replacing them unanimously with unspecified assessment on line seems quite farfetched when most of the teachers live in the trenches struggling to meet curriculum and fulfill parents' high expectations for final marks.
Media projects have already become an inseparable part of Ontario curriculum and combined with evaluation based on four categories can be both entertaining and educating.
I have started my adventure on line by asking Grade 9 students to create just one comic strip for each unit . Plot development for a short story read and discussed in class, scene adaptation in eight panels based on Shakespeare's comedy, Tom Finder character review in three panels; just one step at a time. Senior classes have just submitted The Kite Runner project created in movie maker program, but next semester they will be podcasting!
All you need is a little iMagic.


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