Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Technology as a tool for Special Needs students: Read&Write

Read&Write is an application that can be either installed onto a computer, or downloaded as an extension on Google Chrome. What makes it a useful tool for any teacher is the fact that it can be used for both regular students, and students with special needs. It allows children to speak to a computer and types out their words (which is good for students who struggle with their fine motor skills--i.e., writing), it reads sentences, paragraphs, stories, etc. to the child (if they cannot read or have a hard time reading), and has a spell-check and grammar feature which is useful for all in the classroom.

Read&Write is an app that can help students in their daily struggles with language and literacy. It is a very useful tool for teachers as it allows them a creative opportunity to implement a students' IEP. For example, instead of the teacher scribing for a child, the computer does it for them, which allows the student to be independent in his/her learning while simultaneously learning how to use technology. Who's to say that it wouldn't be useful for us as teacher candidates as welll?

You can find the Google Chrome extension for Read&Write here

Brought to you by Giordano@NU

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