Thursday, October 22, 2020

Resources for Active and Engaged Learners!

This week's learning key was "starting place" and allowed me to begin reflecting on ways that as a teacher candidate, I can create my own "starting place" in the classroom. Teachers strive towards meeting the needs of each individual in the classroom and creating a safe and inclusive space for them. Through differentiating instruction, it can create an overwhelming feeling, as they want to ensure that they are doing so effectively, for each child.

In my past experiences working with children, there have been many resources that teachers have used to support children through reading, writing or other subjects. Recently, throughout my courses, I have been reflecting on other resources that are intended to support children's learning through various subjects. They are Reading Rockets and ABCYA. Both of these resources list grades from K+ and different subjects. They are not only in place for reading strategies and tools for children but provide them with games and apps too. This is more intriguing to students, as they want to be engaged in their learning process. By doing so in different ways, sustains children's attention in their classrooms and wants to intrigue further. 

Children are curious at an early age and want to learn in different ways, that are new, inquire about their thinking and are hands-on. Children are visual learners, so incorporating these into the classrooms creates an inclusive workspace that meets the needs of all individuals and challenges their thinking. So, as a teacher candidate, it is crucial to educate your children with resources and support. By providing them with these new strategies, this can be your "starting point" in teaching children, throughout their learning journey.


Sofia @NU

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