Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Effective Google Slides!

It is not a new concept, that we are consumed by the technology around us. Technology is constantly evolving and developing. Teachers started off talking in front of a chalkboard with chalk, and now we have smart boards and electronics to assist and advance our practice. It is so critical to be able to deliver an effective lesson and one way to keep the children engaged is making a google slides presentation. Being comfortable with different modes of multi- media is key to is key. 

You can create a google slide for any subject, include engaging videos and graphics, create polls, as well as get the students thinking about the task at hand. I found some great links as guidance to help google slides! 

Personally, I know the basis of how to create a presentation, but watching the video gave me more insight to become more efficient and effective. Throughout this year, with the transition and being online creating effective PowerPoints is a very important skill to have!


Brought to you by Kyra@NU

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