Saturday, April 10, 2021

Pearson Literacy Portal - Digital Bookshelf

Pearson Literacy Portal - LiteracyMyITLab educator study examines demonstration of Excel proficiency at  University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee - USA


While in placement I was introduced to the Pearson Literacy Portal. It is a free and accessible resource for teachers, parents and students. The digital portal has a choice of 260 books across all reading levels. This bookshelf of chosen books supports literacy learning and helps students to connect to multiple subjects including science, social studies and well-being. Under each book choice, the appropriate grade level, reading level and a short description are provided. It is a great resource because as students are reading, it is easy to navigate to a different reading level, if a book is too easy or difficult. I have used this resource many times during my tutoring sessions. I scroll through and allow my students to choose which book they would like to read. There are so many different options, and my students really enjoy reading. I highly recommend it! 

Alexandra@NU (OTECA) 

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