Monday, April 25, 2022

The Top Five Benefits of Incorporating Technology in Schools

Technology provides great opportunities for both teachers and students. Various ways technology such as smartboards, video projectors, among others should be used in order to facilitate learning. 

Technology makes a connection with studying

When technology is used properly, students would be more interested in the topics that they are studying. Technology provides the opportunity for students to learn a topic in different and newer ways. An example of which is virtual teaching and using online resources.

Technology facilitates participation within learning procedures

Technology helps students to have active participation in class and is an important factor for remembering materials/contents in memory. The best technology that can help students to keep materials in their memory should be chosen.

Technology encourages students to learn

No two students learn the same way because each individual has different styles of learning and skills. Technology helps each student to meet his/her needs. For example, a gifted student who learns quickly, can review what he/she has been studying or delete the content. Technology equips students with a lot of information and resources which makes students more curious to learn.

Technology encourages collaboration 

Students can build their collaboration skills while participating in various online activities with other students. For example, working on projects with different people or sharing journals online is very effective in becoming collaborative. Technology can connect students from different schools or around the world. Students actually can learn how to build 21 century skills through the use of technology. Some examples of 21 century skills built through technology are:  modern collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking, communication skills, leadership and creativity.

Technology facilitates teaching

Technology is the way to access different resources online. Teachers can use a lot of valid online resources to make students more curious. Teachers can also save a lot of time with technology such as virtual curriculums and online grading/evaluation. 


Roozbeh, M. (2020). Top Six Reasons to Incorporate Technology in Schools. Minevisa.


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