Friday, September 9, 2022

Using Dojo for Classroom Management

This past summer, I worked for a summer school program with the YCDSB board. I was given a classroom, as was given the position of a numeracy and literacy teacher for third grade students. As this was my first experience working with this age group, as well as having my own classroom, I really struggled with classroom management. One of the EA's recommended using an app called Class Dojo as an incentive to promote positive behavior. It's free and can be downloaded on Apple and Android devices, as well as be accessed through their website on a computer. 

Ultimately, you set up your class. Each student in your class has an avatar that is allocated to them. I gave my students the opportunity to pick their own avatars, which they really enjoyed to do. Once the classroom is set up, you can begin allocating points for positive and negative behaviours. 
You can make your own list of behaviours in addition to the one provided by the app. Both the positives and the negatives can be very precisely tailored to your classroom needs. You can give out points for participation, kindness, helping others, being on task, etc. In my classroom, there was an issue with students finishing their snacks on time. Many of them would take advantage of their allocated 10 minutes for snack time, and would use this time to chat with one another, instead if eating. Once I began giving out the "snack point" which was worth 2 points, to students who finished their snack before the 10 minute timer went off, every single student wanted to receive these points and therefore all finished their snack on time! Our classroom no longer had the issue with taking advantage of snack time, ever since I introduced Dojo to them! For negative behaviours such as bullying, being off task, or not completing homework, it would result in a point being removed from their total points. 

I gave out prizes if a student received a total of 50 points, and I would give out classroom rewards if the entire class accumulates a total of 200 points together. Ultimately, it assists in encouraging positive behaviours and reducing negative ones in the classroom. It's so fun and motivating for students, while also helps with classroom management. 



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