Wednesday, October 12, 2022

School Wellness Isn't Just for Kids

 The stress and anxiety that often accompanies teachers' jobs has a hugely negative effect on teacher performance and personal life. In fact, about one in 20 teachers has a long-lasting mental health issue.

Teaching is not a nine to five job. Responsibilities are not confined to the work space, and teachers are not often able to distance themselves from work or student involvement when at home. Teaching, really, is an emotionally taxing profession.

Many teachers feel defeated at the end of the day. They didn’t get to the lesson plan that day. One of their students is acting out, but the teacher doesn’t have the means to help them. Parents can be difficult to work with. But teachers do what they do because of one thing: they love their students, and they believe in the power of education.

It’s no surprise many teachers struggle with some form of mental health problem. In fact, a recent study from the UCL Institute of Education reports that one in every 20 teachers (or about five percent) suffer with a mental illness that has lasted, or is likely to last, more than a year. More on this study below.

Read more about this by clicking here >>>>> Teachers are Stressed and Depressed

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