Saturday, October 15, 2022

Check In, Check out

A check-in system is a great way to build positive relationships with your students and get a better perspective of what your students might be dealing with. This helps you as a professional as well as your students. There are many benefits to asking your students questions, and the video source shares a system that holds students accountable for their day. They start by checking in with a staff member to make obtainable goals for their day and then follow through the day with a points system. A review is conducted with the staff member following their school day. This shows the dedication teachers provide to their students. 

I came across this fantastic free resource called 50 questions to ask your elementary students to check in and get to know them better (link below). This would be an excellent activity for elementary students to do anonymously, as sticky notes or notepads could be provided. Then once the student answers the question, they could put their responses in a safe spot where the teacher can choose to read aloud or address them privately. Creating a safe space where students feel comfortable and welcome and providing an opportunity to express themselves without judgment is something every class should be doing. 

Brought to you by: KatieC@NU

50 Questions to Ask Elementary Kids to check in and get to know them better (Free Download)

For more information: 

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