Thursday, January 30, 2020

Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

Image result for virtual reality in schools"Technology is always evolving. In today's society, it plays such a large role in the lives of all people, including students. In contrast to the relatively technology free environment present when I went to school, classrooms today incorporate all types of new and innovative technology to help engage and teach students. Something I found interesting is augmented reality (AR), which is a strand of virtual reality (VR). While virtual reality is a simulated experience that can be either similar to or completely different from the real world, augmented reality is an interactive experience of a real-world environment. In this experience, the objects that are present in the real world are enhanced by perceptual information that is computer-generated. This happens across various sensory methods, including visual and auditory. 

Image result for augmented reality in schools"One very cool way that this can be used in the classroom is virtual field trips. Realistically, it is not always possible for teachers to take their students on all the educational field trips they would like to. There are many factors like travel and cost that affect what trips teachers are able to go on with their students. With augmented reality present in the classroom, teachers would be able to take their class on virtual field trips, allowing them to reap the educational benefits while not actually being there physically. For example, AR allows for students to travel to the tropical rainforest or the arctic tundra when learning about habitats. It can also serve as a way to engage students about certain subjects or time periods that are no longer accessible. For example, VR allows for students to travel to the jurassic period when learning about dinosaurs. This is a great use of technology that is both beneficial in students learning, and helps them to stay engaged and having fun. 

Virtual Reality (VR) / Augmented Reality (AR)

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