Thursday, February 27, 2020

Mad Stuff for You

           Image result for math libs
Mad Libs is an online word game that in incorporated with all subjects as well as fun and engaging. Mad Libs is a phrasal template word game where one player prompts others for a list of words to substitute for blanks in a story before reading the often comical or nonsensical story aloud. This game is frequently played as a party game or as a way to pass time. The game was invented in the United States, and more than 110 million copies of Mad Libs books have been sold since the series was first published in 1958. These Mad Libs worksheets can also be found by searching for them on google for easier access. 

If interested here's the historical background about how Mad Libs came about. "The creation of Mad Libs is directly linked to my inability to spell "hyperbole" in a seventh-grade spelling bee. Humiliated and embarrassed beyond words, I ran home to take refuge in the family dictionary, determined to learn the correct spelling and exact meaning of as many words as humanly possible. The dictionary became my constant companion – my roommate. Even today it's by my bedside, and on sleepless nights I make a point of learning at least one new word. Last night it was "orthogonal."

"The name "Mad Libs" came to Roger and me out of the blue-plate special at Sardi's restaurant in New York in the summer of 1958. At the table next to us, an actor and his agent were having coffee and an argument. From what we couldn't help but overhear, the actor wanted to "ad-lib" an interview, and his agent thought it was a "mad" thing to do. 'Nuff said? Abandoning our eggs Benedict, Roger and I were off and running to a publisher, the same one that had published Roger's best-selling humor book "In One Head and Out the Other." And within minutes we were in one door and out the other. Those good souls didn't think it was a book but honestly believed it might appeal to a game manufacturer. The game manufacturer in turn thought it was a book and sent us to another book publisher, which didn't think it was a book! After we ran out of publishers and game manufacturers within a 50-mile radius of the city, Roger decided we should publish Mad Libs ourselves. What could it take? You design the book, find a printer, and place the order. So we did just that. It never occurred to us, until the printer called asking where he should deliver the books, that printers didn't double as warehouses. However, Roger's large Central Park West apartment could and did. Fourteen thousand copies of Mad Libs were delivered directly to his dining room, denying my good friend a decent sit-down meal for three months and 17 days it took us to find a willing, one-time-only distributor".    - Leonard Stern

Brought to you by: JuliaM@NU

Here is the link to Mad Libs website:

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