Friday, September 4, 2020

Extra Curricular Activities

Ontario schools provide students with an abundance of extra curricular school activities in which they could choose to be a part of, this includes but is not limited to, social groups, sports teams, and clubs. In addition, extra curricular activities can include outside school activities as, such as community activities, volunteering, and local clubs/sports teams. Extra curricular activities are very impactful to one's journey of life. These activities keep you busy, disciplined, and give you productive breaks. They can improve academic performance, create social opportunities and even essential life skills.

Participating in extracurricular activities, allowed me to meet teachers that turned into my mentors; teachers who taught in the classroom and coached on the court. I was able to meet teammates both in school and outside of school, who became good friends of mine and contributed to my social realm. You are never too young, or too old to get involved. The positive impact extra curricular activities have on an individual's life, remain with them forever. They inhabit skills that are transferable to many life experiences, and help build passion and leadership which are instrumental to happiness and success.

As I got older, I found it much more interesting how my extra curricular activities were looked at sometimes even more than my academics and qualifications. For example, my volunteer work was instrumental in landing a job with the police. For that reason, I found this YouTube video very informative, and interesting.
Take a look…  

How admission officers view extracurricular activities:
Not only would this video apply to admission officers, but also future career employers. 


1 comment:

  1. It's about getting involved and doing - you can't put a limit or price on experience. Doors open not only with formal education, but the informal education - experience! Go open some doors for yourself and as a teacher, go help give kids the experiences outside the classroom that will help open a door for them.
