Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Great Divide – Adjusting to Distance Learning

Whether you're for it or against it, remote learning has been forced upon us. COVID-19 caught us by surprise with very little time to react. Many post-secondary institutions quickly changed their format to distance learning, however elementary and high schools are struggling to adapt. As an adult in teacher's college, there have been some challenges in adjusting but I've been able to manage. Unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone. We all have different strengths, preferences, and capabilities, and there are many students who live with special needs. Some of them are benefitting from online learning where others are experiencing further complications as a result. So how do we find a balance which benefits everyone?

Visit:  https://dailytrojan.com/2020/09/10/virtual-learning-brings-advantages-and-drawbacks-for-students-with-disabilities/

Of course a global pandemic complicates the issue, however once COVID-19 is no longer a factor, I firmly believe the education landscape will change permanently. I think hybrid models of online and in-class learning will become prevalent and students will have more agency to choose what works for them. School boards are currently struggling because the demand for online learning is so high and none were prepared for this in such a short time. I remain optimistic that we will all adjust over time and the process will feel smoother as we all adjust to this new paradigm. We've been forced out of our comfort zone so many of us will feel uneasy at first, but I believe over time we will start using the technology resources to our advantage.

Courtesy of Andrew@NU

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