Sunday, November 1, 2020

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One.

The Learning Sciences and Constructivism 

In "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself", how you think about things can change your brain. Every idea was thought of before it became a reality. A person has to come up with an idea before it can exist. The same applies to you, Dr. Dispenza calls this, "remembering your future". You have to create it, even before it's happened.

Playing the Piano Study: They scanned the brain before and after the study. There were four groups. For two weeks, two hours a day.

1.       showed how to play the scales. They practiced.

2.       free play no structure. No patterns, no playing.

3.       just show up – do nothing. Nothing changed.

4.       They showed them the scales, then the group visualized how to play the piano.  


The only groups that had centers grow were group 1 & 4, even though 4 didn't touch the piano, they only thought about what they were shown. You cannot do something once and expect to master it, you have to repeat things, over and over. To create new pathways, habits, your brain memorizes this.

Reading 20 books once or reading one book twenty times, you are going to remember more from the book read 20 times. You review and go over what you read. You might see something you didn't notice before or even understand something differently when reading it another time. This ties into learning. Students are more likely to remember or learn something if you go over it with them more than once. Spiral learning has been shown to help keep ideas fresh in their minds. Kids grow in their learning too, something that they don't get now, they might get the second time the lesson or unit is covered.

You can watch the video about the book above or youcan readily go to the link or watch the video at this link here:

There is a section in the book, Dr. Dispenza says, that your personality becomes your personal reality. He talks about how to change your life. Newtonian physics, that something external has to happen, then we internally change. Quantum physics, if you are internally happy, you will do things that make you happy and you will think happy thoughts. People tend to, "think, do, be", we need to, "be, do, think".

Very much like Sir Ken said, that kids are great at divergent thinking, then it gets taught out of them. This book talks about how kids are just happy, they are just being. Then they go do stuff, they have fun and then they think certain things about themselves. Once you grow up, or with Sir Ken attend school, you lose this, you think so much you are "think, do, be". Be yourself, do the thing, think it into reality.

We are training our brains (perhaps subconsciously) out of new ways of thinking or from creating new pathways. This is where we need to break the habit of being ourselves and try new ways of being and thinking.

Courtesy of: Nicole@NU

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