Saturday, October 23, 2021

Tips for Parents in their Child's Education

The role of parents in education is such that it can determine the course of each child's life. Parents teach their children what is necessary for life and what is harmful through educational style, behaviour, communication, attitude, etc. It is the parents who create the facilities and conditions in such a way that the children have the opportunity to progress in different areas of life. But sometimes their decisions are based on inappropriate criteria and despite their efforts, they can not figure out a good future for their child. Obviously, how to deal with and how to provide suitable conditions for children to grow and develop, requires knowledge. In fact, all family members can make a significant contribution to each other's progress due to interaction with each other. Today's families are much more sensitive to their children's education and academic achievement than previous generations. Families with more gifted and educated children, by providing all the welfare conditions, place them in an isolated and closed environment and away from childhood and adolescence experiences. On the other hand, families having children who are not interested in school, force their children to study by spending on education and even punishment and pressure.
Parents are role models for their children. Parents who raise their children with books, reading, and storytelling from an early age and encourage them to read books, in fact, indirectly encourage their children to study. In this way, such parents will raise children with a greater tendency to study and study.

You can not take the child out of the house to school in the morning and expect a genius to be delivered to you at noon. Research has shown that the biggest determinant of a child's success in school is the amount of support at home and family education. Do not just instruct children to read and ask them to do all the homework themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to start teaching life skills to children according to their age and ability.
No child needs to be a hundred steps ahead of themselves and their age to succeed. So be patient in teaching children and give them time and let them progress according to their age and ability. An important issue that parents should be aware of is the problems that may exist for children and prevent them from learning and being educated. One of the most common is learning disabilities. This disorder causes the child to be able to learn less than expected from his or her actual age. In this case, you should consult a child counselor.
Many parents are very insistent on enrolling their child in miscellaneous classes. Even if their child has no desire, they enroll him or her in foreign language classes, for example, and expect good performance from their child. The child has to spend his energy on things that he is not interested in, this bores the child. Do not push your child to learn a second language, for example ,if his or her interest is in sports. 

Destroying one's childhood at the cost of getting a score of A. This behaviour is often seen by perfectionist or obsessive parents. They deprive their child of play so that they must have learned all the material in full. The child must do all his homework, complete his lessons to be able to play. If the child comes home and gets a grade of B, he will not be admired, because he got a low grade, the child must always try hard to satisfy the parents, and this will make the child disgusted with school and education.
Courtesy of Marziyeh@NU

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