Monday, January 31, 2022

Act of Kindness Ticket

Act of kindness tickets are given to students when they are spotted doing an act of kindness. the tickets can be found online on Starfall, or handmade. The intention behind this activity is to make the students aware of the kindness actions they practice at school. This strategy is developed to help students increase their positive behaviour, and look forward to receiving as many tickets as they can during the week. At the end of the week, the student with the most tickets will get a privilege of some sort. For example, get an extra 15 minutes of technology time the following week. 

The Act of kindness tickets are meant to help the teacher create a positive optimistic learning environment for all students. Since students don't know when they will receive a ticket or if the teacher notices their actions, they will always try and stay on the positive behaviour and the great choices. I find the act of kindness tickets truly encourage students to give their best. It's quite a surprise for them when their teacher announces their good deed for the whole class and gives them the ticket, what an accomplishment they feel. 

Aside from a great day, This technique helps students be disciplined during unstructured play and the free play time during recess outside. I noticed when students are given an act of kindness ticket, they start including other students to play with them, inviting friends, helping with cleanups, and setting a good role model for the rest of the class. They become more attentive to helping other students around them. It gradually eliminates the number of times a teacher has to step in to ask a child to play nicely with the others. The students become more aware of how they behave at school, knowing they can get a ticket at any moment of the day helps them to stay optimistic throughout the school day. The options for these tickets are endless and the students love having them. It makes them feel like they won an award. This technique aids students who have been having bad days due to their behaviour during school hours to have more good school days. 

By Marly F@NU (OTECA)

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