Monday, January 31, 2022

The Importance of Group Work and the Role of Technology

While studying and reflecting on chapter 3 of  Transforming Learning with Unique, Powerful Technology, one topic in specific that resonated with me was the importance of group work and collaborating with others. 

I remember being in elementary school, the teacher would announce to form groups and the class immediately got excited to work with their peers and friends. As an adult, this has not changed. Group work and collaborating with others is insightful and allows one to build on team working skills that are essential for life. As future teachers, we will have to work together with others for the best interest of each student. In Chapter 3 it is discussed that group work invites students to harness the abilities that each student contributes to the assignment and, as a collection of learners with varied skills, teach one another and problem-solve imaginatively when there are open-ended problems. Students gain control and responsibility for the learning process through well-organized group activities that creatively use technology resources. 

Over the years, technology has become very present in classrooms, now more than ever with virtual classrooms. Students often have to work together to navigate through a technology system and different websites. When working together students can play online games together, show each other videos and pictures, they can do activities that are shown online together, etc. Technology also allows students to collaborate from different places. Students can work from anywhere using their technology and it allows them to collaborate with others who may not be around them. 
Brought to you by Valentina@NU (OTECC)

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