Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Random Picker


Using a random picker spinner in the classroom for students is a great way to introduce an element of surprise to students. It has a variety of uses in the classroom including ideas such as creative writing topics, brain break activities, student names, etc. To use, you input a list of topics, names, etc, click go and the spinner spins around until it stops. Whatever it stops on is what the class will be doing. 

For example, if the teacher is trying to select this week's people for classroom jobs (ie. line leader, caboose, library helper, etc), they input the names of the students, and then it generates a wheel with the student's names on it. 

Then the teacher clicks anywhere on the spinner and it spins until it stops on a name. Once it stops, that person now has the task for the week.

There are multiple different ones to use. If you google random picker spinner, a list comes up. However, my favourite is Flippity https://www.flippity.net/RandomNamePicker.htmFlippity offers a variety of different forms for the random picker where it can be used as a spinner, single name, groups, teams, etc. To change to a different picker, all you have to do is click the tabs at the top. There is no need to add the names again, which is a great time saver.

A random picker is a great resource to create an element of surprise for students, but also creates less time and thought for the teacher as they just have to let the spinner do its magic! 


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