Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Inclusive Activities Promote Teamwork, Building Relationships and Anti-Bullying

The website provided is an article which provides insight on activities that can be done in the classroom, which can promote anti-bullying. The article can be used for both teachers, and parents as it can help with incorporating inclusive activities into lesson planning, or at home. The article provides definitions of bullying and the impact it leaves on others. There are also a variety of suggestions on activities which highlight the importance of understanding how words leave an impact, and on how to be kind to others. 


What stood out to me about this article was the amount of information that was provided. Beginning with the impact bullying has, how to tell if a child is bullying, and how to respond to bullying for the child, parents, or teachers. Many of the activities or tips that are shown in the article are beneficial and can be incorporated to fit the needs of the class. A tip that sparked my mind was role modeling. As teachers, one of the many roles we play is being a role model. Often children look up to the authority figures in their life.  Understanding this role, can help reflect positive actions and words, which the children can follow. This also applies for parents, as the article provides tips on how the home environment has a big impact on the child, which then continues into the school environment.


One of the activities that I found to be great with younger children was the Compliment Flowers activity. This activity requires the students to create paper flowers and carry it throughout the day. The students are asked to have their peers write on the flower, positive comments about one another. At the end of the day students can read all the wonderful comments that were left by their peers. I found this to be a nice interactive activity, as it can promote acts of kindness, respect, and confidence. 

Overall, bullying is a major concern, which should always be addressed. Adults are encouraged to educate students on the topic and provide and set clear consequences if bullying is done. The goal is creating a safe and inclusive environment for all. 


Do you want to learn more about this?  Click the link below and go to the website:


Best Regards: JuliaC@NU

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