Sunday, October 1, 2023

Is There a Place for AI in the Classroom?

We live in a world that is dependent on technology to run, it is truly a part of everything we do each and every day. Companies are shifting from 'man-made' to 'machine-made'  as robotics and AI take over these performances. In most aspects of the world, AI is seen as revolutionary, yet in the classroom, AI hasn't had quite the same impact. Students have used AI to plagiarize, and some school boards, have said no to educators using AI. "Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn and teach. As a tool in the classroom, AI can provide students with personalized learning experiences, automate repetitive tasks, and provide instant feedback" (YEC, 2023). 

Here are some ways in which I feel AI can be used in the classroom setting:

Research - Research can take hours and hours and there are so many different places to find information that a lot of students can't work through all of the resources. AI can provide students with a wealth of information in a fraction of the time, which can provide students with more time to become proficient with the material rather than spending hours trying to find the information. 

Brainstorming Ideas - Students can use AI to assist with brainstorming ideas for projects or classroom activities. AI can help generate new and innovative ideas for students to use that fuel creative ideas and project suggestions. 

Lesson Plans - In the same ways that students can utilize AI for brainstorming ideas, educators can also use AI as a positive tool for providing creative ideas for lesson plans, and classroom material without having to spend hours trying to create new ideas for student learning. This can allow educators with more time to focus on interventions, student groups, and closing learning gaps rather than spending hours creating course material. 

Critical Thinking - One flaw of AI is that it lacks human emotion and how we would speak and respond. "There is the lack of human interaction and emotional support that students receive when using AI-powered educational tools" (YEC, 2023). This however can be used as a positive for students to analyze the information and develop critical thinking skills. AI won't always give a perfect answer which allows students to analyze the information and build in their critical thinking skills as they evaluate the answers and find ways to improve and produce a better response themselves. Educators could even use this as a teachable moment. 

AI can revolutionize education. The opportunities to incorporate AI-infused learning into education are truly limitless. I look forward to continuing to see this topic grow in the education field over the years and to see how over my time as a teacher AI is infused in classroom settings. 


Yec. (2023, September 12). Council post: AI in the classroom: Pros, cons and the role of Edtech Companies. Forbes. 

Courtesy of MonikaP@NU

Embracing Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom

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