Tuesday, March 26, 2024

NUO Conference: Effective Classroom Management

Attending a workshop on effective classroom management is essential for teachers, such as myself, due to its direct impact on student success and overall classroom dynamics. Effective classroom management equips teachers with the skills to manage multiple students simultaneously, including those with behaviour issues and learning exceptionalities. 

By learning strategies such as getting to know your students, establishing classroom management rules and expectations from the very beginning, and having students continuously practice these expectations (such as being quiet and in a straight line when lining up), I can create a positive learning environment that will stay in place for the entire year. It is important to have a great relationship with your students, but also understand you are not their friend. In establishing these rules, all students will know what is expected of them which will create a better learning environment for my students and a better teaching environment for myself. 

This workshop is connected to the OCT Standard of Practice 5, Ongoing Professional Learning, which emphasizes educators' commitment to continuous growth and development. Managing diverse student needs requires ongoing learning and adaptation, making workshops on classroom management invaluable for teachers. By learning new techniques and approaches, we can better address individual student needs, promote positive behaviour, and facilitate meaningful learning experiences. 

Ultimately, prioritizing ongoing professional learning centered around classroom management which can contribute to a positive and supportive learning environment, fostering student success and achievement. 

Published by Julia G@NUO

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