Tuesday, March 19, 2024

NUO Conference 2024: Positive Engagement with parents and Families

I believe that it is important for us as teachers to create a relationship with the families in our classroom as the families are the primary caregivers of the students. I want to create a relationship with them to ensure their students are having a successful and enjoyable time while in my classroom. Creating positive relationships with the families affects my teaching and practice because if the relationship with the families is negative, it will affect the student and communication moving forward in the classroom. 

A practicum experience that best represents what a positive relationship with families looks like was in my grade one classroom. My teacher would always make an effort to say hello to the families at the end of the day. My teacher also kept families updated on what their students were doing in class because she would post on Twitter or Google Classroom. The families always interacted positively if they had any concerns because of the relationship they had created with the teacher. They were able to share their feelings and feel heard if they had a comment or concern. From these experiences, I have learned the importance of creating a positive relationship with families as it can help me when communicating concerns or information to the families.

For more information on how to create positive relationships with families, click here! https://www.edutopia.org/blog/20-tips-developing-positive-relationships-parents-elena-aguilar

I am fortunate that I have had many opportunities to work with families from my part-time job. I work with children in gymnastics. I get the opportunity to interact and create positive relationships with the families as I train their children for ten months of the year. This opportunity has shown me the importance of creating a relationship with the families of the students I encounter. Being in this program and my practicums, I can use skills I have built from my part-time job and use them in the school setting and vice versa. 


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